
Journal of Nursing & Healthcare(JNH)

ISSN: 2475-529X | DOI: 10.33140/JNH

Impact Factor: 0.8

Experiences of University Nursing Students Regarding Overcrowding by Patients in The Training Health Facilities, Khomas Region Namibia


Joseph Galukeni Kadhila and Rosalia Tjirundu

Overcrowding in healthcare facilities has emerged as a critical issue, posing significant challenges in the delivery of quality patient care. In recent times, there has been an increasing number of patients at the health centres, medical, and surgical emergency conditions, placing more emphasis on the need for quality nursing care. The aim of this study is to explore the causes, consequences and potential solutions surrounding overcrowding in training health facilities. The study employed exploratory, qualitative design. Ninety-eight participants that registered for the academic year 2023 as fourth years at the University of Namibia were recruited and saturated at 9 respondents. Data was coded and analysed using Tesch’s method of data analysis. Three Themes emerged from the exploration and description of nursing students clinical learning experiences. The results indicated that there was indeed overcrowding of patients in the health facilities. The study identified several major challenges confronting nursing students working in the training health facilities which are linked with lack of resources and staff.