
Journal of Marine Science Research and Oceanography(JMSRO)

ISSN: 2642-9020 | DOI: 10.33140/JMSRO

Impact Factor: 1.8

Expansion-Oriented View On Origin of Oceans


Subhasis Sen

Both the concepts of plate tectonics and continental drift conceive that the planet earth’s dimension, associated with its oceans, has remained unchanged throughout the past geological periods. In contrast, Hilgenberg’s model of earth expansion endorses that initially the planet was considerably small and devoid of oceans [1]. Based on earth expansion theory the author has pointed out that since the primordial condensed or small earth was devoid of oceans, initially the ocean-forming water must have been associated with the mantle, thereby turning that geosphere considerably fluid and pre-eminently suitable for planetary expansion. Expansion of the planet appears to have been caused owing to swelling up of the semi-fluid mantle in response to an external gravitational pull caused by an extra-terrestrial planetary body, probably the Moon. The primordial earth was completely covered with a relatively thin granitic crust, which, due to swelling up of the mantle developed a number of long and sinuous expansion cracks. Through these expansion cracks widespread eruption of molten magma took place spreading on both sides of the cracks to form rudimentary oceans basins. With continued expansion, the dimension of the oceans was broadened while the expansion cracks turned in to mid-oceanic ridges. Associated with expulsion of molten lava, large quantum of volatiles, chiefly constituted of water was released from the mantle that formed the ocean water while due to desiccation of the mantle, the process of expansion was eventually stopped.