
Open Access Journal of Applied Science and Technology(OAJAST)

ISSN: 2993-5377 | DOI: 10.33140/OAJAST

Impact Factor: 1.08

Executive Summary of the Special Session on Law and Ethics of Nanotechnology Safety and Health: Nano Medicine Transforming Disability into Health


Ilise L Feitshans

Dedicating a science conference session to the non- science topic of Law and Ethics represents an important opportunity for researchers to learn about and participate as stakeholders in nanotechnology law and ethics programming. The session's focus on safety and health represents a nod to the transversal implications of crosscutting law and ethics issues that have historically been undervalued by the scientific community. New interdisciplinary learning from this session will set the groundwork for important analytical breakthroughs across disciplines for Best practices and sound Nano regulatory policies. People have been giving birth since humanity began, and children of all genders have their life, health and well-being undermined by maternal mortality, defined as: death of moms during pregnancy, delivery or soon after live birth. And while death cannot yet be avoided ultimately, given the state of our current technology, the reality that children need their moms in order to survive the early years of life remains nonetheless true. Unfortunately, VMVLA is situated in a Legal desert and a maternity desert. VMVLA lawyers serve indigent and near poor clients with a wide variety of unmet needs.