
Advances in Theoretical & Computational Physics(ATCP)

ISSN: 2639-0108 | DOI: 10.33140/ATCP

Impact Factor: 2.62

Environmental Impact of Radiation Emitted from Radionuclide Across Southern Borno, Nigeria Using Inspector Alert Nuclear Radiation Monitor


Rilwan U, Ugwu, EI and Alkasim A

Radiation association with the body produces micro sub-cellular-level effects that may course cellular responses and, in the accumulation, may produce macro observable health effects on some organs or tissues. This work aimed to check the environmental impact of radiation emitted from radionuclide across southern Borno, Nigeria using Inspector Alert Nuclear Radiation Monitor. Finding of this study have revealed that the mean Dorgan values for the lungs, ovaries, bone marrow, testes, kidney, liver and whole body for different local governments of southern Borno are 0.065, 0.059, 0.070, 0.083, 0.063, 0.046 and 0.069 mSv/y respectively. From the findings presented, it can be concluded that the background radiation in Southern Borno is not an issue of health concern in regards to sensitive organs and may not course immediate health effect except on excessive exposure which may cause cancer to the indoor members on approximately seventy years of exposure. It is therefore, advised or recommended that the government encourage regular researches of such for easy control of the health effects.