
Journal of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Research(JGEBR)

ISSN: 2690-912X | DOI: 10.33140/JGEBR

Impact Factor: 1.2

Effects of Climate Change on the Fauna of Sparrowhawks (Passeriformes) in Urbanized Ecosystems of Southern Kyrgyzstan


Kutmanaly Stamaliev, Abdimannap Abdykaarov, Abdusattar Kulbaev, Kambarali Abdisatarov and Abiba Samatova

The paper reviews the impact of climate change on the fauna of sparrow-like (Passeriformes) birds in the urbanized ecosystems of southern Kyrgyzstan. The study was carried out by the method of linear transects (route counts). In the urbanized ecosystems of southern Kyrgyzstan, 84 species of sparrow-like birds belonging to 19 families and 34 genera are established. According to the nature of stay to the category of nesting belong-29, wintering-9, flying-9, flying-1 and sedentary-36 species. The transition of bird species into the category of "resident" previously considered a migrant species - yellow thrush (Motacilla flava) and nesting - common starling (Sturnus vulgaris), yellow-headed (Motacilla citreola) and masked thrush (Motacilla personata) is estab- lished. An analysis of the distribution of birds by biotope, their population density, quantitative indicators by seasons and the na- ture of their stay was conducted. The avifaunal shaping of the urban ecosystem mainly occurs at the expense of birds inhabiting natural and transformed biotopes of the urban environment. It has been proved that the formation of the ornithofauna depends on the nature of bird stay, seasonal migrations, abundance and nature of food, availability of nesting sites, ‘disturbance factors. Their adaptation is directly related to the species of birds arriving from agricultural territories, hilly, steppe biotopes, sylvian, petrical landscapes. According to ecological groups, 16 species of birds belong to urbophiles, and 21 species - to urbophobes.