
International Journal of Nanotechnology and Nanomedicine(IJNN)

ISSN: 2476-2334 | DOI: 10.33140/IJNN

Impact Factor: 0.836

Effective Use of Remote Learning in Sustaining Teaching and Learning of Fine and Applied Arts in Covid-19 Era In Colleges of Education


Christopher Ifeanyi Ibenegbu, Juliet BihAngu

The study determined how remote learning can be used effectively in sustaining teaching and learning of fine and applied arts in colleges of education in Benue State, Kogi States, and Enugu State, Nigeria. We adopted a cross-sectional survey for the study. We used a sample size of 218 respondents for the study. We used a structured questionnaire for the study. We used frequency percentage and Chi-square analysis. Moreover, four hypotheses were tested. The finding of the study showed that the ICT devices are not available, respondents do not use the effective technique for teaching and learning fine and applied arts in remote learning, that respondents ascertained that there are challenges concerning the use of technology in the teaching and learning of fine and applied arts, and respondents agree on the solutions in mitigating the adverse effect of COVID-19 lockdown on teaching and learning of fine and applied arts. We highlighted the educational implications of the findings and the recommendations. We also made some limitations of the study and suggestions for further studies.