
International Journal of Clinical and Medical Education Research(IJCMER)

ISSN: 2832-7705 | DOI: 10.33140/IJCMER

Impact Factor: 1.76

Current Medical Education -A Bird’s Eye View


Padmanabhan P and Kowale A.N

India has a rich tradition of imparting education in Medicine since the ancient times; which has evolved over the years. As the years progressed several reforms in medical education have been made until recently the Competency Based Medical Curriculum (CBME) has been introduced in the medical colleges in India. Although CBME has been the framework of medical education in Western countries such as Canada, US, UK it has been adopted from 2019-20 onwards in India. This curriculum of Medical Education has goals to create “Indian Medical Graduate” (IMG) with a set of roles expected to be fulfilled in the form of achieved “competencies” with inclusion of qualities such as clinician, life-long learner, communicator, leader and medical professional. There are certain challenges outlined for the implementation of CBME. However, there are also guidelines in the form of various Teaching -Learning Methods (TLM) and appropriate Evaluation or Assessment Methods to be adopted. The types of TLM outlined are Integrated Method, Self -Directed Learning (SDL), Case Based Learning, Small Group Discussion, Flip Classroom Model, Mentor -Mentee System etc. in this paper. Assessment or Evaluation methods strongly support the backbone of the curriculum. Either Formative or Subjective Methods of Assessment can be adopted to monitor the TLM. The types of Assessment which can be applied are also reviewed. Although the scope and impact of CBME are immense but it faces the test of time in future. The current medical education is time-based, outcome -based, involves structured learning, time-flexible and learner -centric approach is utilized.