
Advances in Theoretical & Computational Physics(ATCP)

ISSN: 2639-0108 | DOI: 10.33140/ATCP

Impact Factor: 2.62

Crowning of G-Ds Physics New Scientific Paradigm as the New Satisfactory Twenty-First Centurys Physics Paradigm


Jehonathan Bentovish

Twentieth century's Old "Material-Causal" Paradigm underlying both General Relativity Theory (GRT) and Quantum Mechanics (QM) has reached a state of a "Paradigmatic-Crisis" signified by the apparent "theoretical inconsistency" between GRT & QM as well as its principle inability to account for up to 90% of all the mass and energy in the universe, e.g., assumed to comprise purely hypothetical "dark-matter" and "dark-energy" concepts and explain the universe's accelerated rate of expansion – but which could not be detected empirically (for the two past decades)?! A New "G-D's Physics" ("Computational Unified Field Theory") has been discovered which was shown capable of resolving this apparent GRT-QM "theoretical inconsistency", offer an alternative satisfactory explanation for the universe's accelerated rate of expansion (while discarding "dark-matter" and "dark-energy" as "superfluous"!), and most importantly identified at least two unique "Critical Predictions" differentiating it from the Old "Material-Causal" Paradigm: The" Universe's Non-Continuous Accelerated Rate of Expansion" (UNCARE) as validated through the "Universe's Astronomical-Cosmological Accelerated Rate of Expansion Gap" (UACAREG), and through the "Proton-Radius Puzzle" findings; Based on two direct empirical validations of these two "G-D's Physics" unique "Critical Predictions", "G-D's Physics" New Scientific Paradigm is "crowned" as the new satisfactory Paradigm for Twenty-first century Physics! This New "G-D's Physics Paradigm possesses far-reaching theoretical implications including: the complete unification of the four basic physical features of "space", "energy", "time" and "mass", between GRT & QM based on the discovery of a novel "Universal Computational Formula" describing the manner in which a singular higher-ordered "Universal Computational/Consciousness Principle/Reality" (UCP/UCR) simultaneously computes all exhaustive spatial pixels in the universe at the incredible rate of "c2/h" = 1.36-50 sec') ; And a realization that the entire physical universe represents a "transient-phenomenal" manifestation of this singular UCR, which has pre-planned the whole evolution of the entire universe from "inanimate" matter through "animate": plants, animals, and human-beings inevitably leading to the "Ultimate Geulah Goal Perfected State", in which Humanity and Science will recognize the Oneness and Singularity of the UCR