
Archives of Infectious Diseases & Therapy(AIDT)

ISSN: 2577-8455 | DOI: 10.33140/AIDT

Impact Factor: 1.385*

Consequences of Canine Ehrlichiosis: Clinical Case Successfully Resolved


Vivianne LB. De Souza

This work aims to report the case of a canine that survived erlichiosis with severe consequences of the disease, such as meningitis, hind limb paresis, circle walking, cerebrovascular accident. The onset of paresis was sudden, soon after a hygienic grooming. X-ray examinations ruled out suspected trauma. A cerebrovascular accident is suspected due to vasculitis found by electrocardiogram examination. Traditional treatment for doxycycline-based erlichiosis (200 mg) 1 comp. 2 x day for 24 days was recommended; anti-inflammatory drug Prednisone - IDB for 15 days, antianemic Erythros - 1 comp./day, Leucogen (H) 5 mL (2 x day) immunomodulator for platelet elevation and a peripheral and cerebral vasodilator Revimax - 1 comp./ day were the drugs of choice. The case seems to suggest that the bacterium, through the hematogenous route, reaches the intervetbral discs, paralyzing the pelvic limbs, bladder, anal sphincter and tail, and may even cause neurological disorders and even lead to death of the animal. Since paresis and stroke, as well as hydrocephalus and meningitis, clinical signs were much more atypical and are currently becoming more frequent.