
Journal of Gynecology & Reproductive Medicine(JGRM)

ISSN: 2576-2842 | DOI: 10.33140/JGRM

Impact Factor: 1.247

Congenital Syphilis and Medulloblastoma in A Paediatric Patient


Santiago-Reynoso J, Garcia-Gonzalez OG, Gaytan-Fernandez GJ, Zamarripa S, Perez-Villasenor M, Farias-Serratos F and Maldonado-Vega M.

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease in adults and is transferred intrauterine from mother to child. Syphilis has resurfaced worldwide with increasing numbers of cases being reported. This study shows a paediatric patient at the same time showed with a diagnosis of congenital syphilis (CS) and a diagnosis of medulloblastoma (MB). The patient is of interest as it has a diagnosis of intermediate risk medulloblastoma together with congenital syphilis. The patient’s symptomatology corresponded with the effects of medulloblastoma (cervical pain, gait disturbance with latero-pulsion, headache, vomiting and irritability), although syphilis was confirmed on CCF (Cytochemistry Cephalorachid Fluid) biopsy and serum VDRL testing (Venereal Disease Research Laboratory), with few overt effects of syphilis, suggesting asymptomatic syphilis. The medulloblastoma was identified by cranial tomography, and treated surgically, followed by radiotherapy and follow-up chemotherapy. No matches are reported in the literature as in the case presented.