
Archives of Epidemiology & Public Health Research(AEPHR)

ISSN: 2833-4353 | DOI: 10.33140/AEPHR

Impact Factor: 1.98

Codified Barriers to Mental Health Care, an Example from New York State


Sandra D Richardson

This analysis illustrates the impact of codified barriers to mental health care such as the New York Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act (NY SAFE Act). New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) data, United States Census data, and existing literature were utilized to quantify the barrier to mental health care created by NY SAFE Act reporting and effectiveness in identifying the target population. For each DCJS database search related to such reports, about 12 adults who received mental health services in the past year are less likely to seek mental health care; and about 16 adult gun owners are less likely to seek mental health care because of this law. This reporting captures approximately 2.7% of individuals who are suicidal or homicidal. These results indicate that NY’s SAFE Act reporting has created a large barrier to mental health care and is ineffective in capturing its target population.