Climate Change – Fairy Tale or Reality?
Yosef Steinberger
Since the buzzwords ‘climate change’ appears in the world dictionary, quite a few groups in society found a way to deepen and exploit the general population’s lack of knowledge. Driven by the desire to profit economically from this lack of knowledge, they began to ‘sell’ the ‘missing’ knowledge, thus nurturing a future catastrophe and leading to uncertainty about the survival of future generations. The planet Earth, our beautiful ‘orange sponge’, named after its ability, to absorb rainfall and moisture, has, only for short decades, been supplying the commodities to maintain the role and function of all living creatures. It has gradually taken over by one species— the Homo sapiens — who have ultimately abused the sponge's outer layer for thousands of years. This succession of Earth by Homo Sapiens, joined by the constant exhaustion of the land, has led to changes below and above the earth’s fragile surface that affect permeability, gas exchange, etc. Together, these factors serve as a temperature rheostat.