
International Journal of Clinical and Medical Education Research(IJCMER)

ISSN: 2832-7705 | DOI: 10.33140/IJCMER

Impact Factor: 1.76

Case Report on Hassle Corpus Cells in Thymus: A Comprehensive Study


Kunal Joon

Hassle corpus cells are located in the thymus and constitute of type 6 epidermal. Reticular cells and the research describe about the function and significance of Hassel corpus cells and its significance of these cells in thymus and what it secretes: 1. Structure of hassle corpus cells. These are formed of the type 6 epidermal reticulocyte and look like the pink gap structure in the microscopes (reference from thymus structure in microscopes). 2. Function of the hassle corpus cells in the thymus. These cells basically secrete the immunosuppressive secretions and even. Suppressive T cells which controls the functioning of the immune system. 3. These secetion can be used in the treatment of autoimmune disorders and will act on the immune cells and control them.

How Auto Immune Disorders Act

Due to non-functioning of Hassel corpus cells excess of immune cells are formed and then thymus releases them due to which the immune cells released in excess can destroy their on-body cells due to immaturation of cells.

How Immune Cells Get Mature

The immune cells mature through antigen recogination in the Thymus and immature immune cells are suppressed by the Hassel corpus cells in thymus and through this control and recombination mechanism immune cells are matured.

Significance of Hassel Corpus Cells

These cells are basically help in maturation of immune cells.

Helps in controlling auto immune disorders.

Helps in controlling leukaemia.

How Hassel corpus cells help in controlling leukaemia.

The WBC cell count can be controlled through the secretion of the.

Hassel corpus cells as they will secrete immunosuppressive t cells and immunosuppressive secretions. And is a cure of blood cancer.