
Archives of Nuclear Energy Science and Technology(ANEST)

ISSN: 3067-1965 | DOI: 10.33140/ANEST

Calculating the Size of Any Stable Particle


Mark Anthony Tierno

This article builds upon my first paper, “Relation of the Internal Structure of the Photon with Field and Charge” (, and assumes that one has read that first; any references involving that paper will be referred to as “my first paper”. Using the theories presented therein, this paper will determine a formula that can be used to calculate the radius of any given stable particle; i.e., protons and electrons, with the currently known radius of the proton to be used as a comparison. Following that will be provided an estimate as to the maximum number of photons that a particle can hold before its radius would expand. Finally, a fallout from all this will be the realization of a probable geometric origin for ‘e’, much like we have one for π.