
International Journal of Psychiatry(IJP)

ISSN: 2475-5435 | DOI: 10.33140/IJP

Impact Factor: 1.85

BabyGaze: A Rapid Neurobiological Intervention for Anxiety, Panic and Anger


Andrew J Ashworth and Philip V Dutton

A method of rapid attenuation of symptoms of anxiety, panic and anger is described using interoception combined with stimulation of the third and fourth cranial nerves by the subject.

The proposed method by which BabyGaze interrupts a neurological feedback loop via direct stimulation of the EdingherWestphal Nucleus (the rostral-most parasympathetic nucleus) in the brainstem is illustrated.

Attenuation of interoceptive (physical) symptoms typically occurs in less than 5 minutes with associated elimination of psychological symptoms. Having learnt the method, it can be carried out by the patient without further therapeutic intervention. This method has been used in a Scottish General Practice now for over 12 months with associated reduction in prescribing and referral to mental health services.