
Biomedical Science and Clinical Research(BSCR)

ISSN: 2835-7914 | DOI: 10.33140/BSCR

Impact Factor: 1.7

Assessment of Space Junks-Organizational Origins, Current Status, and Economic Impacts


Yang I Pachankis

The research accesses waste management in the low-earth orbit and geosynchronous earth orbit. It identifies and acknowledges the primary organizational entities affiliated with the Communist Parties have been behind the waste generation. With the global mercantilist ambitions of the primary entities organizationally infiltrated the global market economy, the assessment is incorporated with strategic analysis on organizational behaviors and game theory in global political economy. Military-civil relations in the commercialization of outer space are discussed with the commons at stake in the space wastes. With some analysis on the existing solutions, the assessment proposes a fast-neutron-field induced method in quantitatively eliminating space debris smaller than 1 centimeter above the earth’s atmospheric plasma. Political economy under current multilateral frameworks is discussed for the complexities of the issues. The assessment results with a) engineering solutions exist; b) loss of legitimacy of the United Nations system is one of the root problems; c) buyers’ market exists for solutions without current resolutions in multilateral political economy.