Are Immigrants Discriminated Against in Benin's Wage Labor Market?
Barthelemy Mahugnon SENOU
This paper aims to explore immigrants’ situation in the labor market in Benin from the point of view of both their access to salaried employment, their remuneration and their situation vis-à-vis nonimmigrant workers. Using data from the Harmonized Survey on Living Conditions of Households 2022 in Benin, the article combines statistical analysis with an Oaxaca and Ransom decomposition approach to highlight the presence of discrimination in salaried labor market access and remuneration perceived by immigrants and nonimmigrants alike. The analysis reveals that there is discrimination in favor of migrants in access to salaried employment and that immigrants are less paid than nonimmigrant workers. These results provide arguments in favor of labor market reforms to ensure equity in access and remuneration.