
Archives of Infectious Diseases & Therapy(AIDT)

ISSN: 2577-8455 | DOI: 10.33140/AIDT

Impact Factor: 1.385*

Applying Progressive Lifestyle Modifications and Biomedical Trend Analysis plus Pattern Recognition to Strengthen Metabolism and Immunity In Order To Fight Against Infectious Diseases Using GH-Method: Math-Physical Medicine (No. 330)


Gerald C Hsu

In this article, the author demonstrates his research method and analysis approach regarding metabolism and immunity. Even though he did not contract any infectious disease, including a severe flu, over the past 5 years, he decided to use his collected data from the past 10-years. He utilized glucoses and weight along with diet and exercise to address his trend pattern analysis of two chronic diseases (obesity and diabetes) and his lifestyle’s progressive modification. This lifestyle modification is closely related to the subject of behavioral psychology.

He developed a research methodology including GH-Method: math-physical medicine (MPM) and Mentality-Personality Modeling (MPM) to conduct this study. He has emphasized the quantitative linkage and data precision between the disease’s physiological phenomena and the lifestyle behavior’s psychological influences.

Although he has chosen obesity and diabetes as two examples, he could easily convert them into a combined metabolic disorder disease or just choose an infectious disease as his z-axis element to conduct a similar analysis. As a result, he decided to focus on his metabolism and immunity as the measurement yardsticks of his body strength to fight against various infectious diseases. The research methodology and analysis approach are identical as the example studies.

Most diseases can be prevented or controlled from the deepest core area and at the most fundamental level via a lifestyle management program. Once lifestyle details improve, then the patient’s overall metabolism situation will be healthier. Of course, when metabolic disorder conditions are under control via lifestyle improvements, then the immune system is also strengthened since metabolism and immunity are two sides of the same coin. This means that “a coin may have different graphics designs on each side (similar to different biomarker readings), but they share the same internal material (similar to the same body and organs)”. This strong immunity will become the most effective defense force of the patient’s body to fight against many infectious diseases.

In this study, the author developed a geometric presentation model using some key lifestyle details, such as carbs/sugar intake amount and meal portion percentage as the x-axis, whereas the post-meal and daily total walking steps are the y-axis. Next, he selected some important biomarkers, such as daily glucose and daily body weight as the z-axis values and then “fold-over” or “crush -down” the z-axis to superimpose with the x-y planar space with a special format of “radio waves”.

He also applied the same approach and the radio-wave presentation diagram for his study of metabolism and immunity. Under his created 3D presentation on a 2D planar space, the moving trends and recognized patterns of the combined metabolism and immunity scores become ultra-clear. These values on the planar x- and y-axes space are a representation of his progressive lifestyle behavioral modifications over the past 10 years, while the z-axis values are a representation of his general ability that is metabolism and immunity, to fight against diseases, including infectious ones. Although he has chosen obesity and diabetes as two illustration examples, he could easily convert them into a combined metabolic disorder disease or just choose an infectious disease as his z-axis element to conduct a similar analysis. Finally,he decided to focus on his combined metabolism and immunity as the measurement yardstick of his body strength to fight against various infectious diseases. The research methodology and analysis approach are identical as the provided example studies.

In summary, as shown in Figure 5, the combined metabolism and immunity values (gray stars) moves from the upper-right corner (110%) with a 45-degree angle toward the bottom-left direction. Except in 2013, when he was very unhealthy, the moving path has a slight upward trend; otherwise, the moving path followed a 45-degree straight line downwards to the bottom-left corner of 54% for metabolism and 53% for immunity. This conclusive figure demonstrated that his persistent efforts on controlling his medical conditions via a stringent lifestyle management program has ultimately made his metabolism and immunity stronger year after year.

This report also exhibited his strong determination, willpower, and persistence along with his continuous struggle on maintaining his healthy levels of diet, exercise, metabolism for over the past 10 years. The only driving force behind him is that he wants to have a long, healthy life and not suffer from the dreadful chronic diseases, cancers, and various infectious diseases.

When his MI and GHSU values reached to the Turing Year of 2014, his metabolism situation became much better compared to his previous years, and his immunity was getting stronger as a result. He has not gotten the flu or any serious infectious diseases since the year 2016.

Through analyzing those distinctive trend patterns, the personality traits and psychological behavioral characteristics of a patient can be revealed instantly and clearly. Consequently, a more practical guidance of “progressive behavioral modification” can be provided to other patients in order to improve their medical physiological conditions by strengthening their metabolism and immunity.