
Annals of Civil Engineering and Management(ACEM)

ISSN: 3065-9779 | DOI: 10.33140/ACEM

Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Structures by Using Concrete with Heterogeneous Grade with Pre-Fabricated Structural Steel


Rohan S Shreshthi and Anilkumar Gupta

The purpose of this article is to review the beams made up of reinforced concrete which is added or prepared with by inclusion of Fabrication material in the form of structural steel which can be known as Pre-fabrication steel material. However, here beams were analysed under construction with a pre-fabrication steel cage, and the flexural tests. For columns, the prefabrication columns showed the results in a very positive manner in terms of time and economy. As per the results investigated for columns with pre-fabricated, time was saved by nearly 33.3 % and cost was saved by nearly 7.1% for each. Results were analysed by comparing with a moment of resistance by experimental ultimate moments and theoretical design moments. This method used was an alternative to rebar specimens & had achieved positive strength with very economical sections. Studies regarding dual-grade concrete or both different concrete grades for beams in Plain cement concrete and reinforced concrete reported that low-grade concrete is placed near the neutral axis zone of the beams and flexural behavior of the beams was carried out. Usually, two zones appear: a tension zone at the bottom and a compression zone at the top. Steel is added to the tension zone to absorb the tension caused by the weakening of concrete, however, the strength of the concrete is disregarded in the tension zone relative to the compression zone. The depth of higher-grade concrete increases in the compression zone, and resistance to first crack development also increases.