Analisys of Kinetic Curves of Mass Change During the Interaction of Active Gases with Certain Metals and Compounds with Simultaneous Evaporation of the Product of Reaction
Irakli Nakhutsrishvili, Zurab Adamia and Lasha Loria
The influence of the secondary process of evaporation of the reaction product on the kinetics of interaction of gases (O2 , Cl2 , NH3 , H2 O and N2 H4 vapors) with the surface of some metals (Cr, Pb, Si, Ge) and compounds (BN, SiO2 , SiC) is discussed. Also is considered the case when the growth of the scale is preceded by the process of gas etching of the metal surface. A general equation is given that describes the scale growth-evaporation kinetic (sample mass change - time) curves during the interaction of gases with the surface of metals and compounds. Special cases of parabolic, cubic and fourth degree processes are discussed. The kinetics of nitridation of the surface of single-crystaline germanium by ammonia and hydrazine vapors was studied in detail. By evaporating the nitride formed on the germanium surface, a film of germanium oxyntride is deposited on a substrate located in the cold zone of the reactor.