
Advances in Theoretical & Computational Physics(ATCP)

ISSN: 2639-0108 | DOI: 10.33140/ATCP

Impact Factor: 2.62

An Urgent Need for G-ds Physics New 21st Century Paradigms Empirical Validation


Bentovish (Bentwich) Jehonathan

Note: Dr. Bentovish (Bentwich) is seeking scientific collaboration and validation of this New ‘G-d’s Physics’ (Computational Unified Field Theory) Paradigm’s Empirical “Critical Predictions” involving precise Astronomical/Cosmological Measurements, as well as time-sensitive Accelerators validations.

The evolution of Science alternates between phases of a “Standard Scientific Paradigm” and unique “Paradigmatic Shift” phase/s. The current state of Theoretical Physics represents a ‘Paradigmatic-Shift’ from the Old ‘Material-Causal’ Paradigm of Relativity Theory (RT) & Quantum Mechanics (QM) to the New ‘G-d’s Physics’ (e.g., ‘Computational Unified Field Theory’, CUFT) due to the apparent theoretical inconsistency between RT & QM and the inability to account for the accelerated rate of the universe’s expansion (e.g., through the “dark-matter” and “dark-energy” purely hypothetical concepts assumed to comprise 95% of all mass/energy in the universe!?) The principle differences between the New ‘G-d’s Physics’ (G-DP) Paradigm and the Old ‘Material-Causal’ Paradigm are explained, and unique “critical-predictions” of this New ‘G-DP’ Paradigm differentiating it from the Old ‘Material-Causal’ Paradigm are identified: a) A greater number of times that a relatively “more massive” particle (Muon) would be detected across a given series of extremely rapid (e.g.,“c2 /h”=1.36-50 sec’!) than a “less massive” (electron) particle would be detected. b) “Non-Continuous Leap” in the universe’s “Accelerated Rate of Expansion” (ARE) predicted at the Jewish “Rosh-Hashanna” (New Year) due to a “Collective Human Consciousness Focus” postulate of ‘G-DP’! It is paramount that Physicists, Cosmologists and Astronomers try to validate these two unique “critical-predictions” of the New Twenty-first Century ‘G-d’s Physics’ Paradigm which entirely revises our understanding of the origin- sustenance and evolution of the physical universe – indicating that it was not created by an initial ‘Big-Bang’ nuclear explosion, cannot be explained through mere relativistic or quantum physical interactions etc.’, but is rather being continuously computed- “dissolved” – recomputed- and evolved at the incredible rate of (“c2 /h”=1.36-50 sec’!) by a singular higher-ordered ‘Universal Computational/ Consciousness Principle (UCP) towards an ultimate “Perfected State” Goal (“Geula”), and that Individual Human “Moral Choice/s” select one of multiple possible future/s (e.g., also comprising an integral part of this ‘Geula’ Goal.