
Stem Cell Research International(SCRI)

ISSN: 2639-6866 | DOI: 10.33140/SCRI

Impact Factor: 1.12

An Overview of Relationship Between Muc13 With Alcohol for Pancreatic Cancer Patients


Ananya Dutta and Anuja Dutta

This paper evaluates the relationship between MUC13 with respect to pancreatic cancer. MUC13 is an oncogenic mucin and its association is high in Pancreatic cancer (PC) cells treated with alcohol. This means extensive alcohol history leads to the growth of this MUC13 toxin, hence causing pancreatic cancer. Using statistical tools, this paper has developed the association between MUC-13, a carcinogen and its relationship with the increase in pancreatic cancer occurrence due to alcohol use. The dataset used is very small and consists of only 37 subjects after removing rows and columns with invalid data entries (NaN values).