
Advances in Nutrition & Food Science(ANFS)

ISSN: 2572-5971 | DOI: 10.33140/ANFS

Impact Factor: 1.12*

Advances in Technology: How Feasible are they


Ravi Teja Mandapaka, K Hima Sailaja

Surely, the times have changed and so does the standard of our living. As we are all aware, the modern day people are subjected to stress at personal and professional level. To be honest, stress has become one of the rich nutrients, our palates could only satiate. Stress, was there too, in the time of our grandparents and great grandparents. Didn’t they live a healthy and a happy life? Didn’t leave behind one of the finest resources via jaw dropping discoveries and inventions? Depression once a word only found in the dusted and cornered dictionaries has now become a word of house hold regulation.

We understand there’s lot of research going on to bring out the best food product possible. Research has also taken the first place in the canon of evolvement to solve and treat and eradicate many a human issue. Few these days say, the advancement of technology has changed the quality of our lives and the quantity of our daily food intake. I do not ever think not everyone is meeting the RDA (Required Dietary Allowances) in food once has to come in 24 hour cycle of earth’s rotation. But, how did technology change our life? How did these inventions in machinery at a food industry changed the way we produce our food? Hence, with a background knowledge of these, our objective in this article is to mainly focus in bringing this article is to understand the role and importance of advent of technologies and test their feasibility. After all, is this research not aimed at improving the quality of living and decreasing or say, eliminating the incidence of non-communicable diseases, precisely, hypertension?