
Advances in Theoretical & Computational Physics(ATCP)

ISSN: 2639-0108 | DOI: 10.33140/ATCP

Impact Factor: 2.62

Aberration of Electric Field and Motion of an Electron


Musa D. Abdullahi

Aberration of electric field is a missing link in physics, which necessitated the concept of special relativity and quantum mechanics, to describe some physical phenomenon. An electron of mass m and charge –e moving with velocity v at angle θ to an electric field E, is subject to aberration of electrid field, as a result of relativity of velocity between the electrical force, transmitted with velodity of light c, and the electron moving with velocity v. Accelerating force, at time t, in accordance with Coulomb’s law and Newton’s second law of motion, put as F = -(eE/c)(c – v) = m(dv/dt), is less than the electrostatic foce -eE, the difference is radiation reaction force. At the velocity of light v = c, the force F becomes zero and the electron continues to move with speed c as an ultimate limit. Motion of the electron with constant mass m and its radiation power are treated under acceleration with θ = 0 or deceleration with θ = π radians or at constant speed v, in a circle of radiua r, with θ = π/2 radians. It is shown that circular motion of an electron round a central force of attraction, as in the Rutherford’s nuclear model of the hydrogen atom, is inherently stable. There is no need of special relativisty for the speed of light to become a limit and quantum mechanics is not necessary in explaining emission of radiation from accelerated charged particles.