
Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences(JHSS)

ISSN: 2690-0688 | DOI: 10.33140/JHSS

Impact Factor: 1.1

A Shrunken Head (Tsantsa) In The Gonzaga of Mantua Collections, In 1627?


Stefano L'Occaso

Mantua, a North-Italian Po Valley city sided by the Mincio river spreading into three lakes, was ruled by the Gonzaga family from 1328 to 1707. The Gonzaga were famous all around Europe for the marvellous palace they had built: the Ducal Palace, that could more properly described as a city-scale architectural complex, made up by a number of different buildings. Gardens, squares and galleries, huge halls and precious cabinets make it a unique creation worldwide. The Gonzaga were also renown for the rich and variety of the collections they had there gathered.