
Space Science Journal(SSJ)

ISSN: 2997-6170 | DOI: 10.33140/SSJ

A Possible Aether Explanation for Two Light Phenomena: Varying Speed with Medium and Cosmological Redshift


Raymond HV Gallucci

The speed of light (3.00 x 105 km/s in a vacuum) lies beyond human comprehension, especially if one is to postulate that it can be achieved ballistically by a particle, even a “massless” one such as a photon. If such speeds are attainable, which experimentation and astronomical observation apparently have “proven,” then it is slightly less of a leap of faith to imagine such speeds to result from wave phenomena, suggesting that a propagating medium for light must exist (an “aether”) despite such allegedly having been disproven pre-Einstein. With this possibility in mind, two light phenomena are examined from the perspective of an aether as light’s medium of transmission.