
Petroleum and Chemical Industry International(PCII)

ISSN: 2639-7536 | DOI: 10.33140/PCII

Impact Factor: 0.719

A Novel Concept of Reducing Carbon Footprint through Green Energy Recovery at NRL (Huge Power Generation at No Extra Cost)


Bijit Kumar Borah, Dinesh Brahma

Energy conservation has emerged as one of the major issues in the recent years due to the increasing gap between the ever rising demand & the limited supply of energy. On one hand, Energy requirement in our country is increasing in a very rapid rate. On the other hand due to this, the available Energy resources are depleting very fast. So, conservation and efficient utilization of energy resources is the first and most important step towards narrowing down this gap. The need of the hour is to utilize the available energy resources efficiently, wisely & judiciously and at the same time minimize the wastage and unnecessary utilization of the resources. We need to discover the hidden and untapped areas which have good potential of energy and thus reduce the rate of consumption of available non-renewable sources and fossil fuels. The other very important and undeniable fact of the today’s world is that the rate of emission of Greenhouse gases is increasing day-by-day leading to Global Warming and various undesirable changes in the environment we are living in today. If we do not take necessary corrective actions today then it would be too late for tomorrow and our Future generation would suffer Keeping in view the importance of the future generation and with an objective of Energy conservation and to reduce some part of the Global Warming by reduction in harmful Green-house gas emission; an innovative and novel concept was devised in our Numaligarh Refinery Plant (NRL) in it’s post expansion scenario.