
Advances in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology(ANN)

ISSN: 2640-5571 | DOI: 10.33140/ANN

36 Over Passed Restrictions of Magnetism Achieved by the 96 Multiple Magnetic Polarities-Interactions Performed by the Kertsopoulos World Patented Invention vs. the Known Two


Georgios K. Kertsopoulos

The inventor-author, invited as an honorable speaker of “special session”, presented with experiments his invention “Magnetic System of Multiple Interactions” at the 2nd International Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Budapest, on September 24, 2018. As it is known: in the state of the art, the like and the unlike polarity between two magnets remains independent of the distance between them. According to the invention: the like and the unlike polarity between two magnetic constructions depends on the distance between them. The know-how of the invention makes it possible for interacting magnetic constructions to possess and perform interchangeable - more than 96 - polarities and interactions. Polarities and magnetic fields can in multiple ways interchange, depending on the varying distance between two interacting confronted magnetic constructions, offering many new variable design capabilities. For the first time, new types of poles are created, for example: simultaneous like-unlike poles or simultaneous unlike-like poles are created, causing stable or unstable balance as an interaction; also, for the first time in magnetism, new types of magnetic fields are formed never before observed, for example: remote fields of very strong attraction, without however, the contact of the magnetic constructions. The magnetic devices that perform these multiple interactions are fully patented internationally, published in a book in English, by the inventor. The new scientific laws and principles, revealed through these experiments enrich the very basics, the foundation of magnetism. Before we can list these, it is necessary to list the 36 main – but certainly not all – restrictions of the known magnetism of the state of the art that are over passed, as results of the successful experiments also, performed at the conference. The Introduction and experimental section explain the different interactions achieved with figures and tables and the conclusion gives some examples of new possible product constructions.