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Mineral Processing Review Articles

The mining industry has a reputation for being slow to innovate. In mineral processing at least, nothing can be further from the truth. Here are just some of the innovations that have occurred in my lifetime: huge increases in equipment scale, carbon-in-pulp/carbon-in-leach, new gravity concentration devices (eg Knelson, Falcon, InLine Pressure Jig and Kelsey jig), high pressure grinding rolls (HPGR), high-intensity flotation devices such as the Jameson cell, autogenous/semi-autogenous mills, fine grinding mills (eg IsaMill, Vertimill), high-rate thickeners, dense medium cyclone for minerals, high-intensity magnetic separation, improved reagent selectivity, new analytical instruments in the laboratory and concentrator, automated quantitative mineralogy (QEMSCAN and Mineral Liberation Analyser), process simulators for optimisation and design and computer-based process control. And there are lots more where those came from.

Last Updated on: Mar 03, 2025

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