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Hiv Research Top Open Access Journals

HIV/AIDS research incorporates all clinical research that endeavors to forestall, treat, or fix HIV/AIDS, just as crucial research about the idea of HIV as an irresistible specialist and AIDS as the ailment brought about by HIV.

An assemblage of logical proof has demonstrated that men who are circumcised are less inclined to contract HIV than men who are uncircumcised. Research distributed in 2014, presumes that the sex hormones estrogen and progesterone specifically sway HIV transmission.

"Pre-presentation prophylaxis" alludes to the act of consuming a few medications before being presented to HIV contamination, and having a diminished possibility of contracting HIV because of taking that tranquilize. Post-presentation prophylaxis alludes to ingesting a few medications rapidly subsequent to being presented to HIV, while the infection is in an individual's body yet before the infection has set up itself. In the two cases, the medications would be equivalent to those used to treat people with HIV, and the expectation of consuming the medications is kill the infection before the individual turns out to be irreversibly tainted.

Post-introduction prophylaxis is suggested in foreseen instances of HIV presentation, for example, if a medical attendant by one way or another has blood-to-blood contact with a patient over the span of work, or on the off chance that somebody without HIV demands the medications following having unprotected sex with an individual who may have HIV. Pre-introduction prophylaxis is here and there a possibility for HIV-contrary people who feel that they are at expanded danger of HIV contamination, for example, a HIV-pessimistic individual in a serodiscordant relationship with a HIV-constructive accomplice.

Last Updated on: Jul 03, 2024

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