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HIV is an infection that harms the resistant framework. The invulnerable framework enables the body to fend off contaminations. Untreated HIV contaminates and murders CD4 cells, which are a kind of invulnerable cell called T cells. After some time, as HIV kills more CD4 cells, the body is bound to get different sorts of diseases and cancers.HIV is transmitted through natural liquids that include:blood,semen,vaginal and rectal,fluids, bosom milk.The infection doesn't spread in air or water, or through easygoing contact.HIV is a long lasting condition and as of now there is no fix, albeit numerous researchers are attempting to discover one. In any case, with clinical consideration, including treatment called antiretroviral treatment, it's conceivable to oversee HIV and live with the infection for some years.Without treatment, an individual with HIV is probably going to build up a genuine condition called AIDS. By then, the safe framework is too frail to even think about fighting off different illnesses and diseases. Untreated, future with AIDS is around three yearsTrusted Source. With antiretroviral treatment, HIV can be very much controlled and future can be about equivalent to somebody who has not gotten HIV.It's assessed that 1.1 million Americans are right now living with HIV. Of those individuals, 1 out of 5 don't realize they have the virus.HIV can cause changes all through the body. Find out about the impacts of HIV on the various frameworks in the body.

Last Updated on: Jul 03, 2024

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