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Sensation of lump or ball that is felt in the throat region typically near the Adam’s apple region is referred to as Globus. It is primarily experienced with an intense emotional experience. The common human response is "globus response". Globus is equally found in men and women. Most of the people are likely to experience globus in some or the other time of their lives. However, no major consequences have been reported. Despite anecdotal reports and observations, globus is not associated with other gastrointestinal disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome or heartburn. Reported associations with headache or other conditions likely result from referral bias that is, observations of patients sent to specialists. Globus, like tears, may express an emotion. Its apparent relationship to emotion means some people will be unnecessarily troubled by the symptom. Those with anxiety, depression, panic or other emotional distress may benefit from treatment or advice concerning these other conditions. Globus is one of the functional gastrointestinal diseases. There are many journals related to globus. Internal Medicine Open Access, an official journal of PrimeOA Publications International publishes all the articles related to Globus. The journal is subjecting all the received manuscripts to a strict peer review process. The articles published in the journal are Open Access i.e, freely accessible to readers all around the world. Internal Medicine Open Access is maintaining the quality of articles through its strict peer review process.Globus Stores Private Limited is a retail garments store chain, situated in Mumbai, India.[It is a piece of the Rajan Raheja Group. As of April 2012, the chain has 35 areas in 22 urban areas in India. Globus was established in January 1998. Its first area (at 35,000 square foot store) opened in Indore in June 1999, trailed by two areas in Chennai. Its Mumbai lead area opened in November 2001. By May 2008 the chain had extended to 24 stores and begun a push to incredibly grow the quantity of areas The chain has recently declared strong designs to grow to an a lot bigger number of stores, for example, 150. The chain was controlled by Ved Prakash Arya from its establishing until March 2004.Currently, it is controlled by Vinay Gajanan Nadkarni, who serves it as the Managing Director and CEO. Nadkarni, who took over from Arya in 2004, opened the 36th store in February 2013. Kareena Kapoor turned into the brand diplomat in 2008 and wanted to dispatch her own dressing line with the store  In 2007, Globus made the world's biggest Christmas loading, which was 111 feet tall.

Last Updated on: Jul 03, 2024

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