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Geriatric Intensive Care Unit Scholarly Peer Review - Journal

"A decent arrangement applied with force presently is better than an ideal arrangement applied ten minutes after the fact." – General George S. Patton (1) 

For two decades, we have realized that the developing number of more seasoned grown-ups would put basic consideration medication in an unsafe position. In the mid 2000s, epidemiologic investigations exhibited the relationship among age and basic sickness (2–5). Workforce deficiencies, driven by that development in the maturing segment, were guage (6). Accordingly, high-pay nations expanded the quantity of emergency unit beds, created telemedicine/electronic ICU projects to broaden the compass of existing clinicians, and extended the quantity of basic consideration suppliers by joining doctor extenders into the ICU. Our methodology up to this point has been similar to groundwork for an approaching plague, building ability to deal with an expanded volume of basic consideration. By these measures, we have been effective—it is currently conceivable to give more basic consideration today than any other time in recent memory. With the framework and workforce set up, the time has come to concentrate on a similarly significant (however up to this point dismissed) issue: how to best think about more established grown-ups with basic ailment.

Last Updated on: Jul 03, 2024

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