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Damage Assessment High Impact Factor Journals

The Initial Situation Overview (ISO) is carried out to obtain as quickly as possible a broad picture of the extent of damage caused by the impact. It is typically carried out and submitted within the first 8 hours after the event and focuses on issues such as casualties, displacement of the population and damage to lifelines and critical facilities. It is largely based on observations reported by key organizations and officials through general reconnaissance rather than detailed field assessment. The ISO often involves observation from an aircraft, sometimes satellite photographs, and various other reports. The information from the Initial Situation Overview allows national/local officials to determine immediate actions necessary to respond to the effects of the hazard.

Following the event of any hazard impact, the ODPM receives an ISO from the following sources:

General Public

Disaster Management Units – Municipal Corporations

Special Anti-Crime Unit of Trinidad and Tobago (SAUTT)

Trinidad and Tobago Police Service

Trinidad and Tobago Fire Service

Amateur Radio Operators

Community Councillors

Last Updated on: Jul 05, 2024

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