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In accomplishments of a sustainable environment, global warming and Green House Gasses (GHGs) emissions are the key challenges for our ecosystem. Contest against climate change is one of the major issues of the United Nation’s seventeen (17) points schema for sustainable development by 2030 (UNDP, 2015). According to two foremost challenges for humanity are (i) economic development and (ii) to preserve the environment of the planet. Due to emissions of Green House Gases (GHGs), global temperature is gradually rising with every passing day, which has become a severe threat not for developing countries but also for developed nations. In a competitive environment, all the countries are using their natural resources for high economic growth, irrespective its effect on environmental quality. Undoubtedly they are growing at the cost of substandard environmental changes which are due to land pollution, water pollution, and air pollution [4]. The equity theory of intergeneration proposes that it is ethical and moral vow toward future generations to preserve the environmental quality for them. According to, since several decades climate change and global warming are at the top in global environmental debates. The natural scientists state that the emission of Green House Gases (GHGs) is the main challenge for a sustainable environment [5-8]. That’s why environmental hitches have been conquered great attention of the scholars and recently environmental economics has become one of the most popular subjects. In the literature of environmental economics, two core research aspects are: An inverted U-shaped association between per capita income and environmental degradation which is known as “the hypothesis of Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) [9-11]. According to EKC, initially, income upsurges the environmental degradation which gradually declines after the threshold point. The Pollution Haven Hypothesis (PHH) this hypothesis portrays that due to less stern environmental laws in less developed areas, production plants (especially high pollution generator) transfer toward developing countries through foreign direct investments or international trades which become the main cause of high environmental degradation [12]. To reduce global warming, the Kyoto Protocol executed the objectives of “United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change”. The targets apply to four main greenhouse gases (i.e. CO2, CH4, N2O, and SF6) and two other groups of gases (hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons). In Green House Gases (GHGs), carbon dioxide is at the top that’s why most of the studies in environmental economics literature have investigated growthenergy- carbon emission nexus in EKC framework. In this context, many scholars have confirmed environmental curve between real output and carbon emission On the other side, uses an index (including CO2) to determine the environmental quality and does not find evidence for the environmental Kuznets curve in the case of BRICS economies. Similarly, it also proposes mix results for BRICS countries. After carbon dioxide (CO2), the second largest greenhouse gas is Methane (CH4) [13]. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, 2014), in short-term the potential of methane has 84 times greater on global warming than carbon dioxide. One-fifth of global warming is due to methane emission and after the industrial revolution its potential to catch is more than double. Using input-output models nexus between socioeconomic factors and methane (CH4) emission, they postulate that with other greenhouse gases carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) emissions are the major challenges to control global warming. Third most important GHG is a Nitrous oxide (N2O), even its climate sensitivity poorly known but in global warming it has around 300 times greater potential that of CO2 [14-16] Most of the scholars use CO2 emission to determine the environmental quality in the EKC framework which is the major flaw in the environmental economics literature[17-19]. Carbon emission is one indicator which damages our environment; so, it is irrational to take into account only one aspect (or pollution type) to measure the whole environmental degradation. A most comprehensive proxy to measure environmental degradation is ecological footprint; because it accumulates six components (a) carbon footprints (b) forest land (c) fishing grounds (d) built-up land (e) grazing land and (f) cropland and it consider the degradation of mining, forestry, oil stocks and soil. Prior literature also demonstrates the importance of Ecological Footprint (EF) as a proxy to measure the quality of environment such as propose that EF highlights the impact (direct and indirect) of production consumption on the environment. In growth-environment nexus, EF measures the environment more comprehensively. They also propose that for high economic growth many countries utilize their natural resources irrespective its impact on the environment i.e., water pollution, air pollution, and land pollution, etc. In explicit processes, many pollutants (per unit) have waned through strict environmental protocols, innovations and technological change in many advanced economies. Even though policymakers are focusing on GHGs emission and other pollutant components but aggregate pollution per capita is still out of control. So, for more comprehensive findings we should determine the environmental quality through other environmental proxies in growth-environment nexus.

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Last Updated on: Jul 03, 2024

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