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Complementary Therapy Seminars Scholarly Peer-review Journal

Complementary therapy is known by many different terms, including complementary medicine, alternative therapy, alternative medicine, holistic therapy and traditional medicine.

A wide range of treatments exists under the umbrella term ‘complementary therapy’, which makes it difficult to offer a blanket definition. Complementary therapies are used alongside conventional medicines or treatments. 

Alternative therapies are sometimes grouped with complementary therapies, but they refer to different concepts. Alternative therapies are used in place of conventional medicines or treatments.

There is evidence to support the use of some complementary therapies, but alternative therapies are typically unproven or have been shown to be ineffective.

There is no scientific or medical evidence for some complementary therapies and many alternative therapies, and they may be unsafe or cause harmful side effects.

Conventional medicine is based on rigorous science and evaluation. Historically this has not been the case for complementary therapies. Some complementary therapies have now been tested in good quality scientific trials, but most have not.

Conventional medicine and complementary therapies can often be used alongside each other. However, it is important to tell your doctor and your complementary practitioner of all medicines, treatments and remedies you take or use. Some complementary therapies have the potential to cause side effects or interact with conventional medicines.

Never stop taking prescribed medications, or change the dose, without first discussing with your doctor. 

Complementary and alternative therapies are estimated to be used by up to two thirds of people in Australia. 

Many complementary medicines are readily available and can mistakenly be considered safe when they come from ‘natural’ products. This is not necessarily the case, particularly if the dose is greater than that which occurs naturally in food. 

Complementary medicines can cause harmful effects in some people, including severe allergic reactions.

Many complementary medicines contain active ingredients that people may not recognise. Cases of contamination have also been reported. 

As a precaution, do not use herbal medications in children and if you are pregnant, attempting to become pregnant, or breastfeeding. 

Ask your healthcare professional about the potential benefits and harms of any complementary therapy before using it.

Last Updated on: Jul 05, 2024

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