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Alopecia Areata Incognita Review Articles

Alopecia areata incognita, withal kenned as diffuse alopecia areata, is a recherche form of alopecia areata described predominantly in adolescent women. In cases of alopecia areata incognita, the typical patchy distribution of hair loss in classical alopecia areata is absent, but abrupt and profound hair loss is characteristic. While the clinical picture presented by this disease proximately resembles that of telogen effluvium, categorical clinical and dermoscopic findings of alopecia areata are invariably present along the disease course. Prognosis is generally auspicious, especially as compared to certain variants of alopecia areata, namely, alopecia areata totalis, universalis and ophiasic areata.DAA had a more preponderant involution of the parietal and anterior-temporal regions, while AAI manifested itself mainly in the occipital-parietal regions. The most frequent pattern was vacuous yellow dots, yellow dots with vellus hairs, and minuscule hair in regrowth, but the presence of pigtail hair was found virtually exclusively in those with AAI. In cases of DDA, the finding of dystrophic hair and ebony dots was more frequent. The most frequent trichoscopic sign in both diseases was the presence of empty yellow dots, which, however, were described in a higher percentage in cases of DAA. The diseases have a benign course and are responsive to topical steroid therapy.

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Last Updated on: Jul 03, 2024

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