Opinion - (2024) Volume 7, Issue 2
The Memory-Our Connection To Infinity
Opinion Article Adv Theo Comp Phy, 2024 Volume 7 | Issue 2 | 01-02.
The Memory - Our Connection To Infinity
Berov G. Lyubomir*
Engineer, Independent Innovative Ideas Researcher, Smolyan 4700, Bulgaria
*Corresponding Author
Berov G. Lyubomir. Engineer, Independent Innovative Ideas Researcher, Smolyan 4700, Bulgaria
Submitted: 2024, Feb 26; Accepted: 2024, Mar 12; Published: 2024, Apr 04
Citation: Lyubomir, B. G. (2024). The Memory - Our Connection To Infinity, Adv Theo Comp Phy, 7(2), 01-02.
Dear reader, we can now summarize that memory is a complex intellectual and emotional manifestation inherent in each separate representative of both living and inanimate matter. Once born, it remains to exist forever as its existence is active, i.e. it interacts with everything else. An example of such an interaction is the feelings that give rise to memories in us when we remember them. From the point of view of the energetic essence of everything that exists, memory is a concrete manifestation of the energy field of memories, which, like all other energy fields, exists eternally and can only be supplemented. It is part of the overall energy field of love.
Keywords: The Memory, Existence, Exist Eternally, Favorite Pet’, World
Dear reader, do you remember ........?!!
Dear reader, you are with your younger brother right now in your desolate house in the countryside. Your brother holds the old, broken Swiss clock in his hands. And he asks you, do you remember what wonderful music the clock played after your father rolled up the spring and turned it on? You remember, and your heart turns and skips a beat. That is what memory is! And what about the other side – in this case, the clock? Does it have a "memory"? So far, there is no rigorous scientific evidence. But it is clear that a particular object can be an exciting memory for a specific person, while the same object is ordinary and impersonal for everyone else. And, in this case, the Swiss clock and you are connected for the rest of your life by some “mysterious” force. In my opinion, this force is a real manifestation of a specific energy field.
Dear reader, what I have described so far is hypothetical. Still, I am sure that every person has at least one good or bad memory of a specific object, and that "mysterious" force connects her to that object during her life.
Now, I want to describe to you an experience that left me with a very fond memory. As a teenager, I lived in a village, and I had a cat that I loved. I had raised her from a little kitten. She was my favorite pet. Once, it seemed to me that she was very hungry and, of course, secretly from my parents, I cut off a large piece of salami and fed her with it. What was my surprise when she came to me after half an hour carrying a large half-alive mouse in her mouth? The cat carefully placed the mouse at my feet and looked at me with a deep, almost human look. I suddenly realized she gave me the precious catch as a sign of appreciation and love. Meanwhile, the mouse tried to escape, but the cat grabbed it and put it at my feet again. My favourite cat is long gone, and I am no longer a teenager, but the memory remains. And it remains as some invisible substance that has no connection with my ordinary human senses or intellect.
For a long time, I tried to realize what had happened, and much later I began to understand that it was a particle of love that my cat had given me at that moment, and that particle would live in me as long as I lived. But will that particle be lost when I leave this world? No, dear reader. I am firmly convinced that it will remain after I am gone! I already understand that on a deep subconscious level. My memory, the memory of the same experience that remained in the “cat world,” as well as all the memories that were ever created, and are to be created, will remain alive forever in our material world. They are that "mysterious" force that I mentioned above and are, in my opinion, manifestations of one of the innumerable force fields of the living universe. I call this field the energy the field of memories.
And now, let us examine the phenomenon of memory in detail based on the event I just described. In it, one being gives a particle of love to another, which creates a memory in both. We have to start with the idea that everything is love. I believe "love" is another term for "universe." And our material world is a form of love. I have discussed this idea in detail in my article "Everything is love". Here, I will quote an excerpt from this article to explain comprehensibly my idea of the essence of human memories.
“I propose the following hypothesis: I assume that the most primary, the main, giving birth to everything is the energy field of love, which I further call the field "L." It is dark energy. It created dark matter. In our universe, it also manifests in field and material forms. Its varieties are electromagnetic, gravitational, the fields of nuclear forces, and possibly other unknown fields. And the material form is the particles – quarks and leptons. They were born of it and contain it. And they, in turn, build everything material. All neutrons, protons, atomic nuclei, molecules, planets, stars, galaxies, etc., are varieties of the "L" field transformed into material form. According to my human understanding, its most important characteristic is that it is conscious, alive, and endowed with mighty intellect and sensuality. Moreover, the criteria it meets to be considered alive are probably also immeasurably more than the seven criteria we humans have set for a living being. This is already in contradiction with the present physical science – the physical field cannot be a living being! I accept that it can!! And why did I call it "L" (the field of love)? Because its second most important characteristic is that it is creative. It has given birth and continues to give birth, to create, as I have already mentioned, everything that exists."
And here is one of the "other still unknown fields," the energy field of memories. A lot has been written about memories. We can say that memories are an indispensable aspect of human existence. They are our connection to infinity; they connect the present with the past, and we can move into time and space and relive moments of our lives. But every memory has a dual nature—it can be a source of joy and consolation, sadness and pain. Memory can be both a refuge and a test. When we talk about remembrance as a refuge, we usually mean those moments that take us back to happier times. Memories of childhood, favourite holidays, or shared moments with friends and family create a sense of coziness and safety. Here, we feel the connection with the love we felt in those moments. And help us to cope with the difficulties of the present. They are like a warm fire on a cold winter night – a light that reminds us of the blessings we have experienced and gives us the strength to move forward On the other hand, memory can also be a test. These memories take us back to challenging times or painful experiences. They can be moments of loss, disappointment or tragedy. Such memories can be heavy and full of emotions we would prefer to forget. They can cause pain and suffering by taking us back to difficult moments of the past. In these cases, the memory can be a source of grief and trial.
Dear reader, we can now summarize that memory is a complex intellectual and emotional manifestation inherent in each separate representative of both living and inanimate matter. Once born, it remains to exist forever as its existence is active, i.e. it interacts with everything else. An example of such an interaction is the feelings that give rise to memories in us when we remember them. From the point of view of the energetic essence of everything that exists, memory is a concrete manifestation of the energy field of memories, which, like all other energy fields, exists eternally and can only be supplemented. It is part of the overall energy field of love.
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9. Lyubomir, B. G. (2019). Creating Energy Field. J Multidis Res Rev, 1, 23-25.
Copyright: ©2024 Berov G. Lyubomir. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.