Editorial Board
Adham Farouk Mohammad
Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeryg Alexandria University, Egypt
Ian James Martins
Senior Researcher, Department of Psychiatry and Neurogenetics University of Western Australia, Australia
Nikolaos Andreas Chrysanthakopoulos
Professor, Department of Pathological Anatomy Medical School University of Athen, Greece
Hossein Hosseinkhani
Founder & CEO, Innovation Center for Advanced Technology, Matrix HT, Inc. USA
Raffaele Pilla
Researcher, Department of Medicine and Surgery University of Salerno, Italy
Giuseppe Lanza
Full Professor and Dean, Department of Consultant Neurologist University of Catania, Italy
Associate Professor, Public Health Department Iasi University of Life Sciences (IULS), Romania
Ahmed Hegazi
Professor, Department of Microbiology and Immunology National Research Center, Egypt
Sakarie Mustafe Hidig
Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery Zhejiang University School of Medicine, China
Maria Dalamagka
MD, MSc, PhD, Department of Anesthesia General University Hospital of Larissa, Greece
Amgad (M.) Rabie
Professor & Researcher, Department of Medicinal Chemistry & Drug Discovery Mansoura University, Egypt
Diana E
Editorial Manager