
Journal of Sensor Networks and Data Communications(JSNDC)

ISSN: 2994-6433 | DOI: 10.33140/JSNDC

Impact Factor: 0.98

Author Guidelines

Journal DOI: 10.33140/JSNDC

Journal of Sensor Networks and Data Communications is a scholarly academic and industry oriented periodical that caters to a wide range of readers from across the sections of the academia and the industry alike We particularly welcome high-quality original research that advances knowledge on Sensor Networks and Data Communications that focuses on the broader as well as specific aspects of the topics by catering to the wide spectrum of readers globally, including policy makers, entrepreneurs, professionals of computer hardware & software, academic institutions, industrial practitioners, technical consultants, researchers and students. Apart from the rigorously oriented research papers, we also welcome contributions, including short reports, commentaries, editorials, and case reports to make the journal more accessible.

Plagiarism: The journal prioritizes original research. Thus, it expects the authors to make sure that they don’t violate copyrights act by reproducing the content from the others. Research is impossible without references. References made from such sources must be duly acknowledged.

Article-processing charges: Journal of Sensor Networks and Data Communications is an Open Access publisher and the standard charge for publishing is $1599 payable on acceptance of each paper.

Article Types

Journal of Sensor Networks and Data Communications accepts Full length Research articles, reviews articles, Mini Review, Case Reports, Editorial, and Letter to the Editor, Commentary, Rapid Communications and Perspectives, Case in Images, Clinical Images, and Conference Proceedings.

Research Articles

Research Articles are written based on the laboratory observations or research in the clinical settings following the standard research methods and techniques such empirical surveys by collecting data from a representative sample size. Research article critically analyzes the data/observations using appropriate statistical tools, tabulations, charts and diagrams to draws conclusions. Research articles must not exceed the word limit of 8000 and must follow the prescribed format ready for publication. The chosen classification will appear in the published manuscript above the manuscript title.

Review Articles

Review articles are also scientific observations, yet they can be written based on the existing research data published in various forms. For example, an author may review the size of the computer software market in the Western Europe by analyzing a series of published documents or articles and draws conclusion. Review articles should be within the 6000-word limit. Review articles must follow the same format as research article. The article format is discussed below under the category ‘Manuscript Formatting guidelines.

Case Studies

Case studies are developed based on the exclusive study of a specific case or situation. An exclusive study on computer surveillance on traffic and its impact low rate of accidents can be a case study. Case studies can be from 3000-5000 words.

Short Communication

Short communication is a small discussion of any given topic within 800 words and it generally would not follow any specific research technique. It rather observes any scientific concept that is published in the current or previous issue and expresses the writer’s views on it.


Editorials are expert’s opinions, which generally would not exceed 800 words. The expert, being an authority in the subject writes on the recent trends, developments, challenges etc. and observes/warns the readers on a specific issue. For example, a specialist in data communication may write how the AI can be used to protect forests and rare animals from the poachers as an editorial.

Letters to the Editors

Letters to the editors are the reader’s perspectives, opinions and observations to the editor seeking clarity, questioning the validity, and making observations on the gaps in the research published on the current or previous issue. Letters must not exceed 400 to 500 words.


Perspectives are expert’s opinions on policies, principles, decisions of the government, its consequences on the people or society. Systematics and valid observations both by the experts and amateurs alike can be considered. For example, Artificial Intelligence overuse in daily life can be submitted as perspective, without exceeding 1000 words. Perspective generally don’t follow any format like research article, and it is a description of the writer’s observation.

Proceedings Proceedings are collection of abstracts accepted for presentation in the conference. Bibliographic representation of such proceedings adds value to the participant’s profile and academic indexing.

Manuscript Formatting Guidelines

Manuscript Title: The title should be limited to 25 words or less and should not contain abbreviations. The title should reflect the basic theme of the research.

Author Information: Complete names and affiliation of all authors, including contact details of corresponding author (Telephone, Fax and E-mail address) should be mentioned beneath the title.

Abstract: The abstract should be informative and completely self-explanatory, briefly present the topic, stating the scope of the experiment/s, indicating the significance of the study and the major findings. The abstract should summarize the manuscript content in 500 words or less. Standard nomenclature should be used, and abbreviations should be avoided. The preferable format should accommodate a description of the study background, methods, results and conclusion. At least 5 to 6 keywords should be mentioned beneath the abstract.


Introduction: The introduction should set the tone of the paper by providing a clear statement of the study and the proposed approach or solution. The introduction should be general enough to attract a reader’s attention by making it simpler, while detailing the significance of the study with suitable references.

Review of Literature

All the research, review and case reports must contain the sufficient review of the existing literature on the study and should draw the reader’s attention on how this study would contribute to the existing field of knowledge.

Materials and Methods

This section should provide a complete overview of the design of the study. Detailed descriptions of the research techniques observed, the sample size, and the way the experiment is conducted should be detailed presenting the data in the form of tables, figures, images etc., to make it more meaningful to the readers.


The data presented using formulae, equations etc., should be analyzed thoroughly applying the statistical methods to discuss the major observations from the study. This is an important aspect that should extract the entire outcome of the study.


This section draws important findings of the study making comparisons, applying probabilities and by testing the e hypothesis by proving or rejecting the research statement made in the beginning of the study.

Conclusions, Limitations & Recommendations

Authors summarize the entire study by stating the limitations if any, such as methods applied, or the sample size or methods employed to conduct this study. Author/s make specific recommendations to advance research in this area in future.

Funding The authors must acknowledge the funding agencies if any in their studies.

Acknowledgements Author/s must acknowledge all the agencies, institutes and the individuals that supported the study in the end. Appendix Questionnaires, Abbreviations, Full form all the abridged words and the jargons must elaborated in this section to facilitate readers.


Journal of Sensor Networks and Data Communications follows APA reference style. The last name of the author/s, followed by the year of publication, title of the research paper. Name of the journal, volume no, issue no, and pages must be cited. If the article is retrieved online, the online link must also be mentioned in the reference. E.g., Grady, J. S., Her, M., Moreno, G., Perez, C., & Yelinek, J. (2019). Emotions in storybooks: A comparison of storybooks that represent ethnic and racial groups in the United States. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 8(3), 207–217.

• Parenthetical citation: (Grady et al., 2019) • Narrative citation: Grady et al. (2019

Authored Books

Authored books must be cited as. a) Jackson, L. M. (2019). The psychology of prejudice: From attitudes to social action (2nd ed.). American Psychological Association. b) Sapolsky, R. M. (2017). Behave: The biology of humans at our best and worst. Penguin Books.

• Parenthetical citations: (Jackson, 2019; Sapolsky, 2017) • Narrative citations: Jackson (2019) and Sapolsky (2017) Edited Volume References related to s edited volumes must be mentioned as: Aron, L., Botella, M., & Lubart, T. (2019). Culinary arts: Talent and their development. In Subotnik, P. Olszewski-Kubilius, & F. C. Worrell (Eds.), The psychology of high performance: Developing human potential into domain-specific talent (pp. 345–359). American Psychological Association. Dillard, J. P. (2020). Currents in the study of persuasion. In M. B. Oliver, A. A. Raney, & J. Bryant (Eds.), Media effects: Advances in theory and research (4th ed., pp. 115–129). Routledge.

• Parenthetical citations: (Aron et al., 2019; Dillard, 2020) • Narrative citations: Aron et al. (2019) and Dillard (2020)

Acknowledgement: This section includes acknowledgment of people, grant details, funds, etc.

Author Declaration

Submission of a manuscript implies that the work described has not been published before (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture, or thesis) and that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.


All works published by the Journal of Genomics & Data Mining Research & Reviews sis under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution License. This permits anyone to copy, distribute, transmit and adapt the work provided the original work and source is appropriately cited.

Conflict of Interest Author/s must declare that there involves no conflict of interest while submitting the document.