
Journal of Oral & Dental Health(JODH)

ISSN: 2573-8224 | DOI: 10.33140/JODH

Impact Factor: 1.5

About the Journal

Journal DOI: 10.33140/JODH

Editorial Panel View Editorial Board

Dragana Gabric
Associate Professor, Department of Oral Surgery, School of Dental Medicine University of Zagreb, Croatia

Michel Goldberg
Professor Paris Descartes University, France

Armando Montesinos F
Department of Orthodontics Postgraduate Studies and Research Division, Mexico

Dr. Pallak Arora , BDS, MDS
Research Assistant, Oral & Maxillofacial Radiology Texas A&M School of Dentistry Dallas, USA

The Journal of Oral & Dental Health is an open access journal that highlights the advances in oral health in detail. The Journal publishes papers of the highest scientific merit and widest possible scope on work in oral & dental health and supporting specialties. The Journal of Oral & Dental Health considers articles on all aspects of the prevention, diagnosis and management of disorders of the mouth, teeth and gums, as well as related molecular genetics, pathophysiology, and epidemiology. All articles published by Journal of Oral & Dental Health are made freely and permanently accessible online immediately upon publication, without any subscription charges or registration barriers. It publishes the Researches, Reviews, Cases, Commentaries, Short Communication. Topics covered in this Journal include Basic Dentistry, Current Concepts in Oral Health, Dental and Oral Abnormalities, Dental and Oral Health, Dental Laboratory Technology, Hypnodontics, Laser Dentistry, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Oral Health and Other Diseases, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Pediatric Dentistry, Periodontology, Robotic in Dentistry, etc.

Dental and Oral Health Researchers, Faculty and Students
Dental House Officers
Dental Nurses
Dental or Oral Hygienists & Therapists
Dental Partners or Owners
Dental Radiologists
Dental Treatment Coordinators
Oral & Maxillofacial and Cosmetic Surgeons
Oral/Dental Surgeons
Pediatric Dentists

Submit Paper

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Journal key Highlights
Dental ImplantsDental public health (Epidemiology)Dentofacial orthopedicsDenturesDiagnosisEbola implicationsEndodonticsForensic odontologyGeriatric dentistryOral and maxillofacial pathologyOral and maxillofacial radiologyOral and maxillofacial surgeryOral BiologyOral ImplantologyOral medicineOral mucosal diseasesOrthodonticsPediatric dentistryPeriodontologyProsthodonticsRoot canal therapySaliva and Salivary GlandsSpecial needs dentistryStomatological Disease

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