Journal of Neuro and Spine is an online open-access journal dedicated to publishing original research and case reports on the clinical aspects of neurosurgery and neurology. The journal is an international congress for papers of a high scientific standard that interest Neurologists and Neurosurgeons from around the globe.
The journal aims to provide an open academic platform to the experts, scholars and researchers worldwide for the exchange of scientific ideas and concept by publishing critically-selected peer-reviewed research manuscripts that advances neurooncological, cerebrovascular, spinal, and peripheral nerve neurosurgery and basic and clinical neuroscience.
Journal of Neuro and Spine focuses on topics that include, Epilepsy, Migraine, Alzheimer’s research, Brain damage, Alzheimer’s therapy, Dementia, Cognitive neuroscience and Multiple sclerosis.
The journal also focuses on assisting students, researchers, clinicians and other healthcare professionals find up-to-date information on functional neurology, surgical neurology, Behavioural neurology, brain neurology, neuroimaging, neuropsychology and the cognitive neurosciences, clinical neurology, degenerative neurology, experimental neurology, and novel findings in neural development, and many other interesting research topics in the field of neurology and neurosurgery.