Research Article
The Rational Soul: A Study of the Duality Characteristic and Genetic Interpretation. A Quick Closer look at Ibn Sina's Scientific Heritage
Neuro-Psychological Interpretations of Mathematical Results Reported in Case of Discrete- Time Hopfield Neural Networks
Is Zygotic Genome Activation the First Secular Task of the Soul? A Quick Closer Look at Ibn Sina’s Scientific Heritage
Effects of Christmas Bush (Chromolaena Odorata), Cathedral Bells (Bryophyllum Pinnatum) and Water Leaf (Talinium Triangulare) Leaf Extracts on Biochemical Markers, and Ulcer Parameters of Ulcer-Induced Adult Male Wistar Rats
Optimizing Callus Formation in Aloe Vera L. Exploring the Impact of Different Hormonal Concentrations
Effects of Climate Change on the Fauna of Sparrowhawks (Passeriformes) in Urbanized Ecosystems of Southern Kyrgyzstan