Aims and Scope
Journal DOI: 10.33140/JAR
Journal of Addiction Research (ISSN: 2573-9514) is a peer-reviewed open-access journal publishing articles in the field of Addiction related areas. The quality of the Editorial Board follows the Peer-Review Process. The time to publish the articles from the date of submission is a maximum of 30-35 days.
The scope of the journal is research on Addiction, Drug, Alcohol Drinking, Smoking, Gambling, Depression, Stress, Sleep Disorders, Anxiety, Psychiatry, etc.
We welcome articles from Professors, Clinicians, Scientists, and Research Scholars. We will publish all types of articles like Clinical Cases, Case Reports, Research Articles, Reviews, Short Communication, Commentary, Image Articles, PPTs, Letters to the Editor, and Editorials.
Submit the manuscript at or send it as an e-mail attachment to the Editorial Office at
Journal of Addiction Research (ISSN: 2573-9514) is an online open-access journal that provides an advanced forum for articles related to Addiction. Following are some of the fields that the journal covers:
- Abnormal psychology
- Abstinence
- Abuse treatment
- Acetaminophens
- Addiction
- Addiction medicine
- Agoraphobia
- Alcohol
- Alienation in human behaviour
- Alkaloids
- Alzheimer’s symptoms
- Amygdala
- Anhedonia
- Anorexia Athletica
- Anorexia nervosa
- Anthropology
- Antidepressant medicine
- Antipsychotics
- Anti-social personality disorder
- Anxiety
- Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder
- Atypical antipsychotics
- Autism spectrum disorder
- Avolition
- Axon
- Behavioural addictions
- Benzodiazepine
- Bipolar disorder
- Borderline personality disorder
- Brain
- Bulimia nervosa
- Calorie
- Cannabis
- Central nervous system
- Cerebellum
- Cerebrum
- Chronic medical disease
- Chronic pain
- Cognitive behavioural therapy
- Comorbidity
- Completed suicide
- Compulsive sexual behavior
- Cravings
- Criminology
- Depression
- Distress
- Drinking
- Drug
- Drug dependence
- Drug of abuse
- Drug use disorders
- Electro convulsive therapy
- Electro-encephalography
- Emotional disorder
- Epidemiology
- Ethosomes
- Euphoria
- Exhaustion
- Gambling
- Gaming addiction
- Hallucination
- Heroin addiction treatment
- Hippocampus
- Hyper-activity disorder
- Hypomanic phase
- Hypothalamus
- Illicit drugs
- Insomnia
- Internet addiction
- Limbic system
- Locus coeruleus
- Lonely
- Mental Disorder
- Mental Health
- Mobile Phone Addiction
- Mood stabilizers
- Mystical experience
- Narcissistic
- Neuroscience
- Nicotine
- Nonopioid
- Opiate
- Opioid use disorder
- Palestine
- Panic disorder
- Personality disorders
- Pseudo Addiction
- Psilocybin
- Psychiatry
- Psychoactive drug use
- Psychology
- Psychotherapy
- Recovery
- Schizophrenia
- Sciences of addiction
- Sleep Disorder
- Smoking
- Social Media Addiction
- Sociology
- Spirituality
- Substance abuse
- Suicide
- Telemedicine
- Tobacco
- Trauma
- Virtual
- Yoga psychotherapy
- Youth Adolescent