
International Journal of Preventive Medicine and Care(IJPMC)

ISSN: 2994-032X | DOI: 10.33140/IJPMC

Aims and Scope

Journal DOI: 10.33140/IJPMC

The International Journal of Preventive Medicine and Care seeks to explore and disseminate cutting-edge research that focuses on preventive strategies and healthcare interventions. The journal covers a wide range of topics, including but not limited to:

  • Epidemiology and Disease Prevention
  • Health Promotion and Behavior Change
  • Healthcare Policy and Systems
  • Occupational and Environmental Health
  • Community Health and Wellness Programs
  • Evidence-Based Interventions and Practices


The journal is designed for researchers, healthcare professionals, policymakers, and public health practitioners passionate about preventive medicine and care. We strive to provide valuable insights and evidence-based knowledge that inform decision-making and drive improvements in population health outcomes.

Editorial Board and Review Process:
At the International Journal of Preventive Medicine and Care, our esteemed editorial board consists of leading experts in the field, ensuring the highest standards of scientific rigor and integrity. Our rigorous peer-review process guarantees that published articles meet stringent quality criteria and contribute significantly to the field.

Call to Action:
We invite researchers and authors to submit their original research, systematic reviews, meta- analyses, case studies, and evidence-based practice papers. To learn more about our submission guidelines and formatting requirements, please visit our Author Guidelines page. Join us in advancing preventive medicine research and making a lasting impact on healthcare practices.

Some of the subject areas that the journal focuses on include:


Preventive healthcare

Preventive medicine innovations

Preventive measures

Preventive medicine breakthroughs

Preventive strategies

Preventive medicine discoveries

Preventive interventions

Preventive medicine advancements

Preventive screening

Preventive medicine trends

Preventive services

Preventive medicine impact

Preventive medicine guidelines

Preventive medicine outcomes

Preventive care programs

Preventive medicine evaluation

Preventive health promotion

Preventive medicine effectiveness

Preventive medicine research

Preventive medicine cost-effectiveness

Preventive medicine practices

Preventive medicine disparities

Preventive medicine policies

Preventive medicine equity

Preventive medicine initiatives

Preventive medicine access

Preventive medicine education

Preventive medicine health equity

Preventive medicine awareness

Preventive medicine population health

Preventive medicine outcomes

Preventive medicine public health

Preventive medicine effectiveness

Preventive medicine community health

Preventive medicine interventions

Preventive medicine global health

Preventive medicine implementation

Preventive medicine lifestyle

Preventive medicine guidelines

Preventive medicine behavior change

Preventive medicine recommendations

Preventive medicine risk factors

Preventive medicine advancements

Preventive medicine for chronic diseases

Preventive medicine innovations

Preventive medicine infectious diseases

Preventive medicine impact

Preventive medicine immunization

Preventive medicine evaluation

Preventive medicine screenings

Preventive medicine approaches

Preventive medicine diagnostics

Preventive medicine models

Preventive medicine early detection

Preventive medicine measurements

Preventive medicine health monitoring

Preventive medicine surveillance

Preventive medicine health assessments

Preventive medicine practices

Preventive medicine personalized medicine

Preventive medicine policies

Preventive medicine genetic testing

Preventive medicine systems

Preventive medicine precision medicine

 Preventive medicine technologies

Preventive medicine health technology

Preventive medicine awareness

Preventive medicine telemedicine

Preventive medicine campaigns

Preventive medicine digital health

Preventive medicine resources

Preventive medicine mobile health

Preventive medicine training

Preventive medicine health apps

Preventive medicine collaboration

Preventive medicine data analytics

Preventive medicine partnerships

Preventive medicine machine learning

Preventive medicine networks

Preventive medicine artificial intelligence

Preventive medicine guidelines

Preventive medicine health informatics

Preventive medicine protocols

Preventive medicine big data

Preventive medicine best practices

Preventive medicine data privacy

Preventive medicine evidence

Preventive medicine data security

Preventive medicine guidelines

Preventive medicine policy implications

Preventive medicine ethics

Preventive medicine healthcare economics

Preventive medicine guidelines

Preventive medicine cost savings

Preventive medicine implementation

Preventive medicine return on investment

Preventive medicine challenges

Preventive medicine public health impact

Preventive medicine solutions

Preventive medicine future trends