Aims and Scope
International Journal of Alzheimer's Disease Research is a peer review open access scientific Journal with publishing quality research on emerging field of medicine related to Alzheimer’s disease.The quality of the Editorial Board follows the Peer review process. The time to publish the articles from date of submisison is maximum 30-35 days.
The scope of the journal is research on alzheimer associated disorders, behavior management, biomarkerss, caregiving, cellular mechaniism, dementiia, genetic studies, heredity, oxidative stress, stem cell treatment, etiology and pathology of alzheimer's disease, neurobiology, neuropathology, issues related to psychology and neuron toxicity. memory loss, molecular mechaniism, neurodegeneratiive disorders, psychosocial issues, therapy for dementia, translational studies, etc.
We welcome articles from neurologists, imternal medicine, university professors, faculty and staff, academicians, pharmacologists, therapists, nurse practitioners. We will publish all types of articles like clinical cases, case reports, research articles, review, short communication, commentarty, image articles, PPTs, letter to the Editor and Editorials.
Submit manuscript at or send as an e-mail attachment to the Editorial Office at
International Journal of Alzheimer's Disease Research is an online open-access journal that provides an advanced forum for articles related to Alzheimer's Disease. Following are some of the fields that the journal covers: