Editorial Board
Journal DOI: 10.33140/CTMC
Rabiu Emmanuel Oluwatosin , PhD
Doctor of Philosophy, Communication Engineering Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso , Nigeria
Research Intrest:
Oluwasegun Olakoyenikan
Marjorie Deane Scholar, Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute New York University, United States
Neha Vibhute , Doctorate in Business Administ
Senior Consultant, Marketing and Communications SP Jain, United Kingdom
Essam Abdallah Abdelwehab Elshiekh Omar
Tanta Cancer Center, Department of Gynecology oncology & Uro oncology Egypt
Dharmakeerthi Sri Ranjan, G. D. , PhD
Professor, Mass Media Sri Palee Campus, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka., Sri Palee Campus, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka., Sri Lanka
J.C. Ogbu
Department of Sciences University of Abuja , Nigeria
Ahmed Shaker Alalaq , Ph.D
Professor Dr, Editorial Board University of Kufa, Iraq
Martial Agbor Fanga , PhD
Research Fellow, Social Science University of Religions and Denominations, Qom, Iran, Yaounde, Cameroon
Aondover Eric Msughter , PhD in View
Dr., Mass Communication Caleb University, Lagos, Nigeria, Lagos, Nigeria
Cynthia Foster
Editorial Manager