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A matrix is a collection of numbers arranged into a fixed number of rows and columns. Usually the numbers are real numbers. In general, matrices can contain complex numbers but we won't see those here.Journal key Highlights
Algebraic Geometry.
Algebraic Topology.
Application in computer systems.
Artificial intelligence.
Bayesian inference.
Binary Data.
Biostatistics Methods.
Centrifugal Force.
Collaborative Robot.
Communication Network.
Commutative Algebra.
Complex Variables.
Computational Physics and Numerical Simulation.
Computer Graphics.
Computer Science.
Condensed Matter Physics and Materials
Data storage.
Differential Equations.
Differential Geometry.
Functional Analysis.
Gantry Robot.
General Mathematics.
Geometric Topology.
Graphical Design
Group Theory.
Industrial Robots.
Latin Square.
Linear Motion.
Machine Learning.
Mathematical Economics.
Mathematical Physics.
Mathematics Researchers.
Media Design.
Metric Geometry.
Modeling of Systems.
Numerical Analysis.
Operator Algebras.
Optics and Lasers.
Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Information Theory.
Real Functions.
Rings and Algebras.
Sensory Network.
Software & Hardware Designing.
Statistics Theory.
Symplectic Geometry.