
Journal of Applied Surface Science(JASS)

ISSN: 2993-5326 | DOI: 10.33140/JASS


Mohamed, PhD
Prof. Dr., Geophysical Sciences
National Research Centre, Cairo, Egypt

Prof. Dr. Mohamed Gomaa, head of geophysical exploration research group, Central Laboratories Network and Center of Excellence, National Research Centre (NRC),. He received his MSc. and Ph.D. degrees in geophysics from Cairo University, Egypt, in 1996 and 2004, respectively. Now, he is a professor of geophysics at the National Research Centre (NRC). His major research interests involve modeling and simulating the electrical properties of rocks and minerals, with a focus on the physical properties of texture between grains, mixture laws, composites, and mixtures. His outstanding scientific career received the Egyptian State Incentive Award (Egypt) in Geological Sciences (2010). Received the scientific excellence award from the NRC, Egypt (2013). Received the appreciation award (NRC) for members with high h-index point outputs (2014). Received the National Research Centre award of appreciation on the occasion of 60 years of the presence of the NRC (2016). Has an Egyptian patent. Teaches some courses in geophysics and geology at the Faculty of Science (Helwan University) and the Faculty of Girls (Ain-Shams University). He has a chapter in Horizons, published by Earth Science Research. The author has published more than 64 papers in international journals and submitted more than 20 abstracts at international workshops and conferences on different topics: applied geophysics, geophysics, and geology. I served regularly as an editor, associate editor, desktop reviewer, and reviewer for many (360) leading international scientific journals and scientific papers. In 2004, he shared in establishing and founding the Egyptian Society of Applied Petrophysics (ESAP) and the Central Internet Unit (NRC). He is one of the organizing boards and technical committees of nine international conferences. Formal general secretary of the geological branch, Egyptian syndicate of scientific professions. Formal general secretary of the geological branch, Egyptian syndicate of scientific professions, Giza branch. Member of the National Committee for "Earth Nature and Earth Standards" from the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (2020). Member of the National Committee for the "Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources" from the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology.
Research Interest
Modeling and simulation of electrical properties of rocks and minerals with a focus on physical properties of texture between grains, mixture laws, composites, and mixtures