
Advances in Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence(AMLAI)

ISSN: 2769-545X | DOI: 10.33140/AMLAI

Heba Afify

Heba Afify, PhD
Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering
Cairo , Egypt, Cairo, Egypt

Dr.Heba M. Afify received a Ph.D. degree in Bioinformatics at the Biomedical Engineering department at Cairo University, Egypt in 2012. She is currently an Associate Professor of the biomedical engineering department . Her research interests include biomedical image processing, and bioinformatics. Her focus is on the use of artificial intelligence to solve problems in different domains, including cancer detection, and healthcare improvement. She authored many research papers in reputed international and national journals. She is a senior member of the Egyptian Scientific Research School of Egypt (SRSEG). She served as a Reviewer, TPC member, and TPC chair/track chair for various international journals and conferences. She served as associate Editor for Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics (JMIHI), International Journal of Bioinformatics Research (Bioinf Publications), European Journal for Biomedical Informatics, Biomedical Research Journal, Open Life Sciences (De Gruyter), Avicenna Journal of Medical Biotechnology (AJMB), Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology (Taylor & Francis online) and Network: Computation in Neural Systems (Taylor & Francis online), Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medical Research. She served as editor-in-chief for the International Journal of Applied Research in Bioinformatics (IJARB).
Research Interest
AI in Biomedical Engineering- Medical image processing- Bioinformatics